A premium store-bought class offering exceptional strategic capabilities and top-tier performance for advanced players seeking powerful character progression.
A hardcore farmable class representing the ultimate challenge, requiring significant investment to obtain and master its extraordinary power.
The starter class introducing basic game mechanics, providing an accessible entry point for beginners to learn core strategies and develop initial skills.
A world boss is a raid boss-level monster that appears in the main, shared game world rather than an instance limited to a certain number of players. They are also known as world raid bosses, outdoor bosses, or outdoor raid bosses, and the phrase raid encounter may be used in place of "raid boss". These bosses were designed to be fought by one or more raid-sized groups of max-level characters, although lower level characters may be brought along.
The ultimate world boss forged from the collapse of forgotten universes, wielding a sword that can sever the threads of destiny, and dwelling within the Time Fortress, where he seeks to reshape reality by controlling the flow of time and fate.
The legendary Paladin Slayer responsible for turning paladins into undead slaves, seeks to become an invincible darkness being by slaying Artix, leading to a series of battles where he corrupts the Blinding Light of Destiny into the ShadowReaper of Doom, gains immense power through experiments, and ultimately faces Artix and the players in a final confrontation where his true form, Enraged Vordred, is revealed and defeated with the aid of summoned allies.
An anthropomorphic fox who once aided Emperor Daisho in protecting Yokai Island, became Chaorrupted by Drakath into an armored Yokai Shogun opposing outsiders, rallying various Yokai to his cause, stealing the Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade to unleash O-Dokuro, and ultimately being defeated by the hero before being sucked into the Yokai World and later revived in Chaos form by Drakath.
A mighty world boss and ruler of the frozen realms, is an ancient ice elemental who commands blizzards and frost giants. With devastating ice attacks and a crown of jagged ice, he challenges players to withstand his chilling powers, offering exclusive frozen gear and rare elemental crystals to those who defeat him.